Urban CAPITAL Private was established in late 2000 at the height of the so called "tech-boom". That year, the technology rich Nasdaq, the index best representing the mood of the times, screamed through 5000 points like an ice affected spider-monkey. The world was awash with "investors" routinely making returns of 5x and 10x on their "investments" in companies with no past and no future.  In the process, bankers, promoters and brokers were developing high quality cocaine addictions for doing what they do best - selling tripe and talking shite.  The notion of profitability being in any way relevant to a company's valuation had been reduced to a punch-line at a foam party.  Revenue multiples were the new black in the world of "analysts" and equity markets and the punters that occupied them had become unhinged in a big way.  

The precipitous rise of the NASDAQ reached its crescendo on March 10, 2000, with the index peaking at 5,408.60 intra-day before before closing at 5,048.62.  

...and then the music stopped.

Back then, the founder of Urban CAPITAL Private was a simple corporate lawyer looking for a path beyond an industry obsessed with processes rather than outcomes.   Six minute billing increments had progressively destroyed the spirit and made weary the soul.  The grass looked greener over every fence one cared to peak and the excitement of the financial markets with their excessive speeds and daily gyrations seemed the perfect exit strategy for a lawyer mired in legalese and lacking in natural light.   In late 2001, notice was given and a new bearing was set on the compass.  


— Anonymous